Founded in 1982 in County Antrim, United Kingdom
Now employs over 1,400 people, with 300 scientists and engineers
International offices in over 20 countries including USA, India, China & Australia
Distributors in over 145 countries
5% of the world’s population receives medical diagnosis using Randox products each year
The World’s Number One proficiency testing provider
World’s Number One in supply of materials to International EQA schemes
More new tests in development than any other diagnostic company
Manufacturing sites in UK, Ireland, USA and India
Randox Laboratories Customerser
£300 million spent on Research & Development
More new tests in development than any other diagnostic company
Formed in 2012 after success and growth in the Toxicology market
World’s largest toxicology test menu screening over 600 drugs and metabolites
Screening products have >90% agreement with confirmatory methods
World’s fastest drug screening analyser with a throughput of up to 5,280 tests in 60 minutes
Why Choose the Evidence+?
Multiplexing capabilities of Biochip Technology supports accurate test results with CVs typically <10%.
Uniquely designed for batch analysis with a larger sample throughput of up to 5,280 test results per hour
The system is applicable to the analysis of multiple matrices, increasing the flexibility and utility of the Evidence+
Reduced sample volume of 6 – 150μl per Biochip and advanced worklist loading capabilities ensure time to first result is <45 minutes
Advanced QC package including full QC reports, Levey-Jennings charts and multi-rule options
Accurate, fast and cost effective solution compared to traditional methods, with the use of barcoded reagents & signal usage calculations for a truly effective end-to-end solution
Revolutionising laboratories globally, with it’s bold look providing efficient and cost-effective testing.
Renowned for its capabilities in larger high throughput laboratories offering the world’s most advanced toxicology testing menu, delivering multiple results simultaneously from one patient sample.
Capable of analysis an array of sample types including blood, urine, oral fluid and a range of forensic toxicology matrices.