


Randox Laboratories

Founded in 1982 in County Antrim, United Kingdom

Now employs over 1,400 people, with 300 scientists and engineers

International offices in over 20 countries including USA, India, China & Australia

Distributors in over 145 countries

5% of the world’s population receives medical diagnosis using Randox products each year

The World’s Number One proficiency testing provider

World’s Number One in supply of materials to International EQA schemes

More new tests in development than any other diagnostic company

Manufacturing sites in UK, Ireland, USA and India

Randox Laboratories Customerser

Randox Toxicology

£300 million spent on Research & Development

More new tests in development than any other diagnostic company

Formed in 2012 after success and growth in the Toxicology market

World’s largest toxicology test menu screening over 600 drugs and metabolites

Screening products have >90% agreement with confirmatory methods

 World’s fastest drug screening analyser with a throughput of up to 5,280 tests in 60 minutes

Our Government Customerser

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Our Private Laboratories Customerser

Product Portfolio

The primary manufacturer of a range of solutions including:





Biochip Array Technology

Simultaneous detection of multiple drug classes from a single specimen.

One sample + one Biochip = complete panel of results

Multiplex testing is a cost and time effective method of drug screening

Suitable for a variety of settings including forensic and clinical toxicology, workplace drug testing, rehabilitation and racing.

Features & Benefits of using Biochip

Simultaneous Detection

Multiplex testing facilitates simultaneous screening of various drugs and drug metabolites from a single sample.

Accurate testing

Biochip Array Technology has a proven high standard of accurate test results with CVs typically <10%.

Small sample volume

As little as 6μl of sample produces a complete immunoassay profile, leaving more for confirmatory testing.

Extensive test menu

With over 600 drugs and drug metabolites, Randox Toxicology have the worlds largest multiplex screening testing menu.

Optimum efficiency

Multiplex testing delivers a more cost effective and efficient solution compared to any existing method.

Detection Technology


Offers higher sensitivity and linearity

Achieve lower Limits of Detection

Can identify lower concentration of drugs compared to other immunoassays

Obtain semi-quantitative results

Highly accurate screening

•Fully automated, benchtop analyser

•Up to 116 tests per hour

•Easy to use software

•Qualitative and semi-quantitative options available

•Full panel of results under 20 minutes

•Ideal for workplace, custodial or laboratory drug testing

•No laboratory experience required